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Cybercrime: email scams that are destroying UK businesses in 2024 

Around 1.2% of all emails sent contain some form of malicious content. While this may not sound like a lot, that translates into 3.4 billion email scams being sent each day.  


Learning how to spot and avoid email scams can offer you significant protection against cyber threats. Alongside this, you also need to ensure you have robust cyber security in place to minimise the likelihood of becoming a victim of cybercrime.  

What are the different types of email scams?

ne of the first steps you can take to educate yourself on email scams is to differentiate between the three main types. This not only helps to protect you but can also allow you to spot whether the cybercrime is randomised, or you may be facing a more targeted attack. 

Generally, any email scams you receive this year may be: 

  • Phishing email scams – These are often sent out at random to multiple individuals or businesses in the hopes that someone ‘bites’. A standard phishing email may not be personalised to you, meaning it may be easier to spot the scam if it seems to be from a company you don’t usually deal with. An example of this can be if your business banks with NatWest but you get an email about your account claiming to be from Barclays. You should never click any links in emails from providers you do not use or recognise. 


  • Spear phishing email scams – Standard phishing attacks may target a mass of random individuals, but spear phishing involves a more targeted approach. The scam emails will be sent to specific individuals or businesses. Often, they will contain personal information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, and even passwords that have been leaked in data breaches to appear credible. 


  • Whaling email scams – This form of phishing targets individuals who may hold power or information that can be used for cybercrime. Like the name suggests, whaling will tailor emails to be enticingly believable in the hopes that a ‘big fish’ within the company will fall for it and either click links or input information that can be used to infiltrate systems and gain access to sensitive data. 

Can email scams claim to come from the government?

Scams claiming to come from the government and HMRC use several tactics to fool victims into believing they are legitimate. Often, they will use imagery, such as logos, that may be found in genuine communications.  

These email scams may contain messages that sound urgent, including mentions of fines or legal action if you do not obey. Any links found in these emails may take you to webpages that, again, look legitimate using imagery and similar wording.  

These will often attempt to gain either information or payment, frightening the recipient into ceding to any demands in fear of repercussions.  

Should you receive an email claiming to be from the government or tax office, you should first contact them, ideally over the phone, using information you know to be accurate. Not only will this allow you to find out if the communication was valid, but it also alerts these organisations to email scams and cybercrime that is currently taking place.  

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How to spot email scams from Royal Mail

Another common type of email scams is those that appear to come from Royal Mail or other delivery companies. As with governmental emails, Royal Mail scams will also deceive the recipient using logos and imagery often associated with the genuine company.  

These emails will usually advise that a package couldn’t be delivered due to postage errors and ask you to make up the difference. However, should you enter any payment details you may find that more money is taken than what was stated on the email.  

Alternatively, delivery scams may be used to harvest personal information from you, which could then be used against you later. 

Never download any attachments from these emails. While the file may claim to be about the issue or package, it might contain malicious software that could infiltrate your network and cause serious damage. 

Can email scams appear to come from my personal email address?

The email addresses used for cybercrime may easily blend in with others you see throughout the day. Sadly, scam emails won’t ever be too obvious. You won’t receive an email from [email protected], for example. Therefore, it is up to you to be vigilant about who you communicate with, what you click, and any files you download. 

One of the most frightening and alarming types of email scams can be email spoofing. While the content may be like other scams, the sender address may appear to be someone you know, or even your own email address. This can result in a lot of panic about how a hacker could have accessed your account. Thankfully, it is unlikely that your email account has actually been compromised. 

Instead, this form of cybercrime utilises email spoofing which forges the sent email address by changing the syntax. Either the display name, email address, or both may be spoofed. 

How can I protect my business from email scams in 2024?

Protecting your business from email scams and cybercrime should be your top priority for 2024. 

To do so, it is advisable that you: 

  • Monitor emails carefully 
  • Ensure adequate cyber security measures (firewalls, antivirus etc) are in place 
  • Make team training a regular feature 
  • Take the time to check for potentially hazardous or fake content 
  • Stay informed about the latest cyber threats 
  • Discuss your existing cyber security measures to find improvements and eliminate vulnerabilities 

Doing so could help you to avoid becoming another cybercrime statistic this year.  

Anne-Marie Marketing Communications Manager

Anne-Marie Blazdell

Anne-Marie is Syn-Star’s dedicated Marketing Manager. Her drive for success is matched only by her compassion for the team. Always on hand with useful insights, she is a warm character who is valued by her department. 

Qualifications: BA (hons) Graphic Design

In-house training: HubSpot SEO, Sales, Adobe Suite

Favourite movie: Love Actually

Favourite artist: Eminem

Favourite food:  Gü Cheesecake

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Anne-Marie Marketing Communications Manager

Anne-Marie Blazdell

Anne-Marie is Syn-Star’s dedicated Marketing Manager. Her drive for success is matched only by her compassion for the team. Always on hand with useful insights, she is a warm character who is valued by her department. 

Qualifications: BA (hons) Graphic Design

In-house training: HubSpot SEO, Sales, Adobe Suite

Favourite movie: Love Actually

Favourite artist: ABBA

Favourite food:  Gü Cheesecake

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Syn-Star can conduct quick and easy phishing exercises to identify people within your team who need to improve on their knowledge around fraudulent emails and how they can be alerted to these threats. 

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