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The top 10 employee monitoring software packages

If you need employee tracking software, take a look at our overview of the top 10 tools for your business. 


The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has reported that more than half of managers approve of remote monitoring. There are a number of different packages to choose from which can vary dependent on your needs.

Before we start - what exactly is employee monitoring software?

Employee monitoring software, or behaviour analysis, is becoming more popular as it allows managers and team leaders to monitor and assess a range of employee activities, including attendance, computer activity, productivity, and location.

With the increase in remote working, employee monitoring software is on the mind of many employers. Businesses already use it for employees based in their offices, but remote working has opened the eyes of many people in responsibility to the benefits for their team, no matter where they work.

Employees can become distracted, experience excessive workload or become disengaged from their work, but monitoring can help employers tackle this by creating a better work environment and offering extra support when needed.

What metrics can be tracked?

Employers can monitor a range of activities:

  • Internet use
  • Computer activity
  • Keystroke logging
  • Emailing
  • Calls
  • Video surveillance
  • GPS tracking
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Why do businesses use behaviour monitoring software?

When used appropriately and effectively, monitoring software can deliver many benefits to both the business and its employees because of the range of tasks it can perform:

  • Monitoring when remote employees are working, to assess their hours and working patterns
  • Tracking employee use of the internet and when it is being abused so that websites can be blocked
  • Providing data and insight to deliver greater productivity and workflow through better analysis of business processes
  • Indicating when employee engagement is fading by tracking productivity, so efforts can be made to re-engage them
  • Spotting when people are working excessive hours so they can be supported
  • Understanding overall workforce productivity to ensure better delegation and distribution of work, using the team more effectively
  • Ensuring that employees are security compliant and not creating IT security concerns through omission, bad practice or malice
  • Monitoring which technologies are being used and which work best for employees, spreading good practice
  • Protecting against illegal activities or data loss by employees


The data and subsequent insights that employee monitoring software provides can help businesses improve engagement, increase productivity, and improve employee retention, all of which will grow income and save money.

10 of the most popular behaviour tracking softwares

The good news for businesses is there are many employee monitoring software packages available. Each offers a variety of functions to enable you to monitor different aspects of an employee’s daily work, each offering different reporting functions.


To help you get started, here are 10 of the most commonly used employee monitoring systems:

  2. ActivTrak
  3. SentryPC
  4. Interguard
  5. Kickidler
  6. Veriato
  7. Insightful
  8. WE Controlio
  9. Monitask
  10. Hubstaff

However, it’s important before purchasing new software to understand what you want to achieve, and then find the software that will deliver.

Choosing software before you know what you need it to do can quickly lead you down a path where you pay for something you don’t need or end up replacing the software after a short time because it doesn’t meet your needs. It’s important to seek expert IT advice that understands your business needs as well as the software market.

Thinking about buying employee monitoring software?

Concerns have been raised about employee monitoring software being used for inappropriate surveillance of employees and it’s important that employers are clear over their motivation for monitoring, ensuring that they are doing it in a lawful manner and are cognisant of data protection and privacy laws.

Employee monitoring should be used for gaining insight, not oversight, to preserve trust, and morale isn’t affected by its introduction.

It shouldn’t increase the stress of employees who know they are being monitored because this will be counter-productive; and be sure that what you’re tracking will actually help to improve productivity and protect your business from inappropriate or malicious use of its IT systems and data.

If you would like to talk more about employee monitoring software or investigate other ways to protect your business from security threats related to employees, as well as ways of managing how your staff uses your workplace technology, then contact our team of IT specialists at Syn-Star for a free consultation today.

Verity Marketing Administrator

Verity Armstrong

Verity is our resident wordsmith. She spent time honing her skills as a freelance writer for a number of different industries from 2020 to 2023. Now, Verity writes about IT support and cyber security for Syn-Star. Outside of this, she curates content for Mindful Me, a blog about well-being and leading a more positive lifestyle.

Qualifications: BA (hons) Psychology, MA (Merit) Youth Justice, Community Safety & Applied Criminology

In-house training: HubSpot SEO, SEO 2, Digital Marketing

Favourite movie: Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings

Favourite band: Hollowstar

Favourite food:  Pad Thai or enchiladas

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Verity Marketing Administrator

Verity Armstrong

Verity is our resident wordsmith. She spent time honing her skills as a freelance writer for a number of different industries from 2020 to 2023. Now, Verity writes about IT support and cyber security for Syn-Star. Outside of this, she curates content for Mindful Me, a blog about well-being and leading a more positive lifestyle.

Qualifications: BA (hons) Psychology, MA (Merit) Youth Justice, Community Safety & Applied Criminology

In-house training: HubSpot SEO, SEO 2, Digital Marketing

Favourite movie: Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings

Favourite band: Hollowstar

Favourite food:  Pad Thai or enchiladas

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Team Productivity
& Monitoring

Team Productivity:
You and your team are able to see where they are using their time and how productive they are actually being.  Also they are able to clock in and out, so really good for flexi-working.

Team Monitoring:
If you would like to know what your team is doing and how productive they are being, we are able to monitor them and create screenshots of what they are working on.  This can be run in normal or stealth mode.

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Protecting your digital data is crucial for every business and this can start with the industry-leading security we offer. The Syn-Star specialists can help with identifying any vulnerabilities within your IT systems and act accordingly to ensure cyber-attacks and data breaches are mitigated. 

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Syn-Star can conduct quick and easy phishing exercises to identify people within your team who need to improve on their knowledge around fraudulent emails and how they can be alerted to these threats. 

Team Productivity & Monitoring

At Syn-Star, our experts can proactively work to understand exactly what software you need to support with the business operations. Whether you need a listening ear on what software to choose, or would like to seek some specialist knowledge, we’re here to help where we can.

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Desk phones, cordless phones or conference phones, Syn-Star can provide you with whatever you need. 

From conference calling facilities to the headsets which work best for your team, we’re able to provide all the equipment you need and complete any telecoms job from start to finish.

VoIP Phone

There is no need to be in the office to make and receive phone calls from your company’s number. Our market-leading Telecoms platform gives you the flexibility of desk phones, soft phones and mobile apps as standard.

Whether your team works remotely, or perhaps staff are on a business trip anywhere in the world, calls can still be made, and people are reachable via phone wherever they go.


With a range of products, our team can support you by installing exactly what you need for internet connectivity. We work with the very best products to provide speedy bandwidths which play a part in the increased productivity of your team.