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How to set up Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint is included with Microsoft 365. Taking the time to properly set it up could help to better utilise this sharing facility for, and between, your whole team.


Microsoft SharePoint is a cloud-based tool that allows you to save and share data across your business, without the need to constantly transfer files. Setting this up will revolutionise file management within your business.

Benefits of SharePoint

While you may already have a process for saving and sharing files, this could take a lot of time, or lead to files being shared in a way that isn’t secure.

Using Microsoft SharePoint can be a much better solution for your team by:

  • Allowing you to securely share files internally and externally
  • Save money – if you have a Microsoft 365 subscription, you don’t need other tools
  • Scaling to your business needs – whether you have 2 or 200 employees, SharePoint can be used to facilitate the storage and sharing of your documents
  • Enabling greater collaboration

Start with different permission levels

While you may want all your business files stored within this server, you may not require all your team to be able to have the same access. Changing the permissions for different types of users can protect files and confidential data from being accessed by those who don’t require it.

You can do so via the site settings within SharePoint. Using the ‘users and permissions’ tab will allow you to set different permission levels for admins and regular users alike.

Doing so before you create each user themselves can be a better idea. This way, you can simply select their permission level when adding them onto SharePoint. Otherwise, you may need to go back and edit each different user accordingly.

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Why is this important?

While members of your team have a right of access to any personal data held about them within the company, this doesn’t have to be available at all times. Should they request, you could then allow for limited time access to any files that contain their confidential information.

The use of permission levels can be vital for data protection as this prevents team members from seeing other users’ data, or even that of clients or contractors. Admin permissions can be reserved for only those who would need this information to be able to do their job.

Having permissions can also help to prevent malicious actions on your files. Working on your cyber essentials certification via improved security can greatly reduce the likelihood of your files being corrupted, especially if a member of the team decides to act impulsively due to a grievance.

Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive

Microsoft SharePoint isn’t the only file storage you get when you have a Microsoft 365 subscription. Your team will each have their own personal OneDrive complete with 1TB of storage space for each user included.

Utilising both SharePoint and OneDrive, including any mobile apps, can allow each employee to save and share files which require collaboration, but also have an area for any documents that they want kept for solely their use.

Making the most of both can maximise how much storage each person has available to them and keep SharePoint running smoothly by not being clogged up with unnecessary files that do not necessarily need to be shared.


Regardless of whether you plan on using your internal computer storage or making the most of Microsoft SharePoint or OneDrive, you still need to have data backups. This doesn’t just protect the files kept on your physical machine. It also means you have separate copies of files saved in the cloud. This way should anything become compromised, corrupted, or you lose access to the original file, there is still a copy available elsewhere.

A backup could be kept on a USB or external hard drive. Alternatively, you can also utilise data backup and restoration as part of managed IT support for your business.

When might you need support with Microsoft SharePoint?

Larger businesses in particular may struggle to set up and onboard their team, sheerly due to the number of users and files that may need to be transferred across. You may also have concerns about issues or errors that could arise when attempting to set it up yourself.

When you opt for Microsoft 365 for businesses via Syn-Star, we will help you every step of the way. This includes setting up and onboarding your team so they can begin using the different tools as soon as possible.

Verity Marketing Administrator

Verity Armstrong

Verity is our resident wordsmith. She spent time honing her skills as a freelance writer for a number of different industries from 2020 to 2023. Now, Verity writes about IT support and cyber security for Syn-Star. Outside of this, she curates content for Mindful Me, a blog about well-being and leading a more positive lifestyle.

Qualifications: BA (hons) Psychology, MA (Merit) Youth Justice, Community Safety & Applied Criminology

In-house training: HubSpot SEO, SEO 2, Digital Marketing

Favourite movie: Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings

Favourite band: Hollowstar

Favourite food:  Pad Thai or enchiladas

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Verity Marketing Administrator

Verity Armstrong

Verity is our resident wordsmith. She spent time honing her skills as a freelance writer for a number of different industries from 2020 to 2023. Now, Verity writes about IT support and cyber security for Syn-Star. Outside of this, she curates content for Mindful Me, a blog about well-being and leading a more positive lifestyle.

Qualifications: BA (hons) Psychology, MA (Merit) Youth Justice, Community Safety & Applied Criminology

In-house training: HubSpot SEO, SEO 2, Digital Marketing

Favourite movie: Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings

Favourite band: Hollowstar

Favourite food:  Pad Thai or enchiladas

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Syn-Star can conduct quick and easy phishing exercises to identify people within your team who need to improve on their knowledge around fraudulent emails and how they can be alerted to these threats. 

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