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Case Study

How we saved a local HVAC company in the mids of a ransomware virus attack

Rasomware Virus

When one of our clients found a ransomware virus on their systems, they feared the worst. However, thanks to our partnership, we were able to give them back control of their files and permanently eradicate that virus from their systems. 

In this instance, due to data protection and the severity of the issues faced, we must keep the client’s name and details confidential. As such, they will only be referred to as ‘the client’ for anonymity. 

avoid technology disasters with our IT support in Surrey
pc disaster

The Issue

This client noticed that their server wasn’t running as normal, and access to even the most basic of files was impossible.  

On speaking to Syn-Star, this client was relieved to learn that their anti-virus software had prevented the virus from causing too much damage to their systems. This meant it didn’t travel too far. Should they have had no anti-virus in place, then the damage could have been far more severe. 

Previously, we had also ensured that not all users had administrative privileges. This also significantly helped to mitigate the damage of the virus and prevent further spread. 

How we Helped

Firstly, we were able to use our existing backups for this client to restore the majority of their data. This meant that in the 3 hours of downtime, they only lost a minimal amount of their files. Without data backups, this would have been significantly more.  

This was completed remotely using the client’s data backup from the previous day.  

Thankfully for the client, this data loss occurred relatively early in the morning. If this had happened during the main course of the working day, a lot more data could have been permanently lost. 

Disaster Recovery illustration
Disaster Recovery for business protection

Sourcing the Vulnerability

From here, it was important to identify how the virus had gained a foothold into the server to begin with. Syn-Star technicians were able to quickly find the weakness in the client’s existing security measures.  

We also added additional security measures, including ransomware protection, to prevent such an issue from occurring again.

The Outcome

Our client was horrified at how much damage a small virus had the potential to do. While they escaped this attack with only some minor data loss, they were still frightened of this occurring again in the future.  

Due to these negative emotions, this client is now far more proactive with their cyber security. They take more steps to educate themselves on the different risks, and perform nightly backups to ensure they have a means of accessing files should an infiltration take place in the future. 

cyber security
disaster recovery plan

Moving Forward

These backups aren’t just vital for virus protection. They can also be used to restore data after hardware failure.  

Some time after the virus was eliminated from the client’s network, they struggled with their server.  

When this occurred, we started with an onsite visit to assess the server and issue. It became clear that the server was no longer working. Due to this, it was brought back to the Syn-Star office for further investigation. 

We had the server contents migrated over to a new chassis to ensure as little disruption to the client as possible, using those nightly backups. This had them fully operational in under five hours while the server was recovered. 

The Takeaway

It’s been a good few years since these two incidents took place.

In that time, the client has bought a new server and still partners with Syn-Star on the best working practices to keep it secure from data breaches. This allows them to maximise their uptime without needing to fear data loss.  

A happy customer talking to a Senior Syn-Star Technician about their issues and resolving onsite

Technician quote


Tech Team Leader

“The company in question reported this virus to us on the system, we restored their server from the backup we had in place and followed our bespoke disaster recovery plan to get them back up and running again as fast as possible”

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Team Productivity
& Monitoring

Team Productivity:
You and your team are able to see where they are using their time and how productive they are actually being.  Also they are able to clock in and out, so really good for flexi-working.

Team Monitoring:
If you would like to know what your team is doing and how productive they are being, we are able to monitor them and create screenshots of what they are working on.  This can be run in normal or stealth mode.

Book a FREE fact finding session to discuss the different options.

What we do to help out...

We proactively seek opportunities to support good causes for our community.

From sponsoring local community football teams, to engaging with charity fundraiser days, we believe it’s important to continually strive to do good for the better of others.

We have members who volunteer with youth organisations, are engaged with the Round Table, run marathons and volunteer at events where we may be needed. Every charity receives a discounted IT and Telecoms service too.


Protecting your digital data is crucial for every business and this can start with the industry-leading security we offer. The Syn-Star specialists can help with identifying any vulnerabilities within your IT systems and act accordingly to ensure cyber-attacks and data breaches are mitigated. 

Strategy &
Future Planning

Your business will never fall behind with its technology when you work with Syn-Star.

We understand IT and Telecoms for your business is an investment, but it’s important to use the best resources available to enable the growth of your business. Our IT Consultancy and Virtual IT Director Services are available to support you with how you use your business technology for years to come.


Syn-Star can conduct quick and easy phishing exercises to identify people within your team who need to improve on their knowledge around fraudulent emails and how they can be alerted to these threats. 

Team Productivity & Monitoring

At Syn-Star, our experts can proactively work to understand exactly what software you need to support with the business operations. Whether you need a listening ear on what software to choose, or would like to seek some specialist knowledge, we’re here to help where we can.

& Reliable

At Syn-Star, we keep Telecoms simple. There’s so much available to help UK companies with their communications. VoIP systems, fixed landline, cloud phone systems, SIP trunking and more. Contact us for further details.

Providing Equipment
You Need

Desk phones, cordless phones or conference phones, Syn-Star can provide you with whatever you need. 

From conference calling facilities to the headsets which work best for your team, we’re able to provide all the equipment you need and complete any telecoms job from start to finish.

VoIP Phone

There is no need to be in the office to make and receive phone calls from your company’s number. Our market-leading Telecoms platform gives you the flexibility of desk phones, soft phones and mobile apps as standard.

Whether your team works remotely, or perhaps staff are on a business trip anywhere in the world, calls can still be made, and people are reachable via phone wherever they go.


With a range of products, our team can support you by installing exactly what you need for internet connectivity. We work with the very best products to provide speedy bandwidths which play a part in the increased productivity of your team.