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Why your business needs to limit what employees can do with their devices?

Learn how limiting what your employees can do on their computers will ensure your business is as protected as it possibly can be!

Without any intention, your employees can be one of your biggest IT risk factors, but controlling what they can do with their computers can reduce that risk.

It might not be your first thought when wondering how to boost your IT security, but 52% of businesses admit that employees are their biggest weakness in IT security.
This risk needs to be addressed, so it’s important to consider how your employees are using their IT and what controls need to be put in place to reduce the risks.

Limiting Employee's Devices

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Why are employees a security risk?

When considering how you can limit what your employees can do with your IT, it’s important to remember it will rarely be an intentionally malicious act that puts your business at risk.
Most employees value the positive impact their IT has on their ability to do their job, provide connectivity, deliver efficiencies and improve productivity.

The main reason employees become an IT security risk is that they aren’t fully aware of the cyber threats or understand how they cyber threats or how they occur. They may not have the technical knowledge to prevent security breaches or deal with them when they do occur. This means employers should take action to address this potential gap in their security.


How can employees cause IT security risks?

Businesses are continuously at risk of a cyber-attack that can impact productivity, cause data breaches or result in a loss of reputation. There are many things an employee can inadvertently do that open the door to an IT security breach:

  • Opening email attachments, clicking on links in an email, or downloads from a website can all enable a cyber-attack such a phishing emails, viruses or ransomware.
  • Plugging an external device into a USB port of a work computer that may harbour a hidden virus could release that virus into the workplace network.
  • Using unsecured wi-fi, for example on a train or in a café, means data may not be encrypted and is easily intercepted, allowing potentially sensitive data to be read.
  • Using external data storage devices that aren’t fully protected means data and sensitive information can be lost if the device is lost or stolen in transit.
  • Downloading apps or other software for personal use onto a work device that isn’t approved could lead to downloading malware.
  • Using personal devices has become more common, especially as people are working remotely more often, but without the right checks before use, they may not meet the required security measures and be susceptible to cyber threats.
  • The home set-up for remote workers is outside office firewalls and employers have less control of this environment, which may include workers using unsecured Wi-Fi and devices.
  • Poor rigour around the implementation and use of passwords can introduce a threat, especially if users have the same password across multiple devices or systems, or the password is weak (password1).

How can you limit employee actions to help prevent cyber-crime?

As there are many ways that an employee can increase the threat of a cyber-attack, there are also many actions a business can take that will limit the risk that employees pose to IT security:

  • Setting up a review of internal processes to assess where there are risks from current employee behaviours or lack of awareness
  • Creating clear and concise IT policies and procedures that define expectations for employees, and providing guidance – particularly around reporting concerns about IT security
  • Providing training to raise awareness of IT security risks, actions to prevent them and personal responsibility. Training should also raise awareness of the legal implications for data breaches.
  • Using the Cloud to share documents and allow data access so that information is kept in a secure environment with controlled access for multiple people on a need-to-know basis
  • Establishing clear rules around the use of USB devices, ensuring that permission is requested before they are used and they can be scanned for viruses
  • Setting standards around downloads of third-party apps and software that must be approved in advance and limit their use for work purposes only. Work devices should not be used for personal reasons.
  • Using VPN to protect against unsecured networks when WFH or on-site

Is it time to set the employee limits to protect your own IT systems?

At Syn-Star we partner many businesses to ensure that their employees have the IT and the security training they need to do their job well and create an environment to use it safely and with confidence, aware of the ever-present threat of cyber-crime.

Whether it’s becoming Cyber Essentials accredited, completing our cyber-security training, or taking advantage of our expert IT consultancy services, we can help you and your employees work with their IT without becoming a risk and set up systems and infrastructure to strengthen your IT defences.

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Team Productivity:
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Protecting your digital data is crucial for every business and this can start with the industry-leading security we offer. The Syn-Star specialists can help with identifying any vulnerabilities within your IT systems and act accordingly to ensure cyber-attacks and data breaches are mitigated. 

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Syn-Star can conduct quick and easy phishing exercises to identify people within your team who need to improve on their knowledge around fraudulent emails and how they can be alerted to these threats. 

Team Productivity & Monitoring

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