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Cloud backup and your business: 7 reasons to schedule regularly

Backing up your data can seem like an arduous chore. However, failure to do so can lead to data loss. This will be detrimental to your business and could result in setbacks and loss of profit. Scheduling regular cloud backups will help to give you some peace of mind.

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Protection from human error

Your employees, and even yourself, are only human. This means that mistakes can be made. Whether accidental or malicious, you want to ensure that all your working data is protected from human error and sabotage. 

Training your employees can help to mitigate this risk somewhat, but it can never be fully removed. Having all your data secured within a cloud backup can give you some peace of mind. 

Doing so regularly is vital. Leaving it to once every few months would result in a serious loss of resources should problems arise in the interim. In contrast, implementing a cloud backup schedule of your data can allow you to regain control of those lost assets quickly and painlessly.

A failsafe against ransomware

Hackers are known to take hold of business data and ransom it for money. Even if you were to give in to the individual’s demands, there is no guarantee they would restore your data. 

While it is important to implement protective measures, such as penetration testing to check your security measures, you could also use backups to cover your business. 

Utilising a cloud backup can enable you to download your data back onto your systems, not giving hackers the chance to hold power over you.

Protection from the elements

Although you may have procedures in place to minimise the likelihood of fires or the damage that can be caused by natural disasters, you may still find that these still have the ability to wipe out some of your assets. 

Some areas may be more prone to these disasters than others, so you should check your risk regularly. 

Scheduling a regular cloud backup of data can allow you to still find the files you need, even if the machines themselves no longer work.

Beneficial for audits

You may need to audit your business operations to show how effective they are, as well as how you remain compliant with data protection and security. Having an encrypted cloud backup will show auditors and regulatory bodies alike that you take this role seriously.


Logging these, and recording the backups can allow you to quickly check if they have been successful. If not, you may want to consider speaking to your IT support team to see what went wrong and how it can be rectified.

A cloud backup can help with power outages

Should you have problems with power at your commercial building, you may find this seriously impedes your ability to create and maintain files. Having all your work saved within a cloud backup means that, even if the power goes out before you have a chance to save the file, you should still be able to recover it.

Setting all of your work files to backup on a daily or weekly basis, and then using OneDrive, or similar, when working on files can increase efficiency.

Hybrid and remote working

Some of your employees may work outside of the office, or even from home, based on choice or necessity. Should they not be able to come in one day, they may still have work to be completed. 

In addition to this, many businesses now make the most of hybrid or remote working. While this was mainly brought in due to Covid restrictions, it seems to be here to stay due to popular demand from employees.

Utilising a cloud backup can enable these individuals to use their business credentials to log in and access those files, even when working on their personal computers.

Reduce your costs

Many UK businesses already use Microsoft services within their working day. Whether you need to send emails, create documents, liaise with your team, or even track data, these applications can bring a boon to office productivity.

Having cloud backup associated with this can greatly help you to avoid any nasty financial surprises in the future. Without backup, you could find yourself out of pocket by over £200 for each instance of data recovery required. This would also involve some aspect of downtime while you wait for your files to be restored and access granted. 

The use of regular backups can enable you to quickly find and open these files yourself, reducing both cost and time wasted.

How do I implement a cloud backup for my business?

Opting for a full Microsoft 365 package will give you access to OneDrive, which can be used for backups. You might also want to consider implementing physical backups onto an external hard drive, to give all-round protection.

Speaking to Syn-Star will also allow you to figure out how secure your existing business systems are, and gain access to bespoke support with your hardware, software, and cloud backup needs.

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