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How can Microsoft Forms benefit your business?

If your business is looking for an easy and effective way to collect and analyse data, then Microsoft Forms may be just the solution for you.

MS forms

Being able to collect and analyse data is important for any business but it can be difficult without the right tools.  Microsoft Forms offers a potential solution to this problem so we take a look at how it can be used and the benefits it offers.

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What is Microsoft Forms?

Microsoft Forms is part of the Microsoft Office 365 subscription suite. It’s an application used to create forms such as surveys, quizzes and questionnaires and invites people to respond using the form sent out.

When the information is returned, MS Forms produces real time results and an initial sorting of the data into graphs and charts. Data can also be exported to Excel for further analysis.


How is Microsoft Forms used?

The primary function of Microsoft Forms is to provide data; to achieve that, it creates forms, sends them to relevant participants, reviews result and analyses them. It is used in a variety of ways to help business to collect feedback, gauge opinions, raise awareness or understanding of specific matters and then make informed decisions.

The range of forms that can be generated is vast, which means it can be used in multiple ways:

  • These help businesses get customer or employee feedback or gather opinions on preferences.

  • Helpful for understanding employee awareness or testing how much employees have taken onboard after training. Output can help to identify further training needs.

  • When is the best time for a team to meet? What are the feelings about the latest training that employees attended? Polls help you understand people’s thoughts on proposals so that the best solution can be adopted.


Microsoft Forms offer different formats of answers, such as multiple choice, ratings, and text answers, so businesses aren’t limited by the type of information they can collect.

Participants can access a form from a web browser or mobile device, which removes restrictions on who can participate. Instructions and explanations on the form makes it even more accessible and encourages participation.

Check lists, holiday request forms, job application forms, client surveys and expenses form are other examples of the type of forms that can be created.

However, where Microsoft Forms is really powerful is in the way that it delivers real time data and represents the data in very visual formats, making it more easily understood and acted upon.


Advantages of Microsoft Forms

Business relies on being able to collate information and translate it to provide clear data. This is exactly what Microsoft Forms does, offering many advantages to users:

  • Forms can integrate with other Microsoft tools such as Microsoft Flow and Teams, so that information can be used and shared in different ways.

  • Results are easy to export to Excel so output from Forms can be further analysed by the additional functionality that Excel offers.

  • It is web-based and is accessible to the majority of participants with a web browser or device; you don’t have to subscribe to MS Office.

  • It is easy to use and create a form.

  • You can ask for anonymous responses to encourage participation.

  • It automates a business process, improving efficiency and productivity.

  • Data is provided in real time, making it easier to act on quickly.

Are you getting the most from your Microsoft 365?

Microsoft Forms is a powerful yet easy to use tool that enables businesses to act more confidently, based on data and clearly presented results. It also enables businesses to reach out to many and multiple sources for data, which improves its integrity.

Although your business may have access to Microsoft Forms through Microsoft 365, you may not be taking full advantage of this tool. This may also be the case for other tools available through your Microsoft 365 subscription.

Our team at Syn-Star can partner with you to get the most from Microsoft 365 and SharePoint. If you are wondering whether there are any more hidden gems that could increase productivity and efficiency in your business and would like support with setting up a Microsoft 365 account or migrating an existing one, then contact us today.

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