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Do you have a disaster recovery plan that’s up to date?

Incidents that cause severe disruption to businesses are unpredictable, so it’s essential to make sure your disaster recovery plan is kept up to date in your future business planning.

We can never know what’s around the corner. Business planning is essential to show how a business can react to, and recover from, any event that disrupts operations could mean the difference between its long-term survival or the end of the road.


Your disaster recovery plan is an important part of business planning and if you haven’t reviewed it recently, now is the time to make sure it’s up to date, before you need it. If your plan is up to date, there’s no such thing as an unexpected event.


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What is a disaster recovery plan?

It’s a document that details how a business responds to a disaster so that it can resume operations and services as quickly as possible, mitigating the impact on the business, its clients, suppliers, and partners.

A comprehensive plan should take into consideration the actions needed before, during and after a disaster event and should be based on a risk and business analysis to set priorities.

The types of event a business could be affected by include natural disasters such as flooding, system and equipment failure, cyber-attacks and human error. Without a disaster recovery plan to return your business to normal operations the cost, in terms of cash, time and reputation, can be significant.


Why should you review your disaster recovery plan in your business planning?

Having a disaster recovery plan helps prevent loss of revenue, data, reputation and unhappy customers. The longer it takes to recover, the greater the impact will be.


To properly protect customers, employees, data, assets, systems, and business continuity you need a recovery plan that encompasses all the IT infrastructure you have in place. However, this infrastructure isn’t static; it’s constantly evolving to meet the changing and growing demands of your business.


Therefore, it follows that the plans you have in place also need to evolve to reflect what’s happening in your business.


How your services and products are delivered change over time and if your disaster recovery plan doesn’t, its usefulness in helping you navigate back to business-as-normal is reduced.


To review your plan, it’s particularly important to be aware of where your operation has become increasingly reliant on technology because these are the points where evolving risks and threats will have the most impact.


What should I include in a review?

Future business planning contains information on changes in employees, to your site, to IT infrastructure or to your IT services provider affect how you need to respond to a disaster and, therefore, what you need to include in your review. To ensure your disaster recovery plan is up to date:

  • Set a review schedule to make sure it doesn’t get forgotten. It also highlights its importance in ongoing business operations. How often a business needs to review its disaster recovery plan depends on your environment, the risk potential, the complexity of your operations and the rate of change of the environment you work in.

  • Complete a review whenever a major change in your operation occurs, to make sure they are reflected. Changes could include revisions to legal obligations, new external partners, new technology, increased remote working and staffing structures. Internal and external influences could drive a need to change your plan.

  • Identify new threats because they change as much as your business and the environment around you.

  • Learn from previous experience and use this information to inform and update your plans – what worked well, where improvements are needed, did the incident come from an unexpected direction, what extra resources or training is needed? These are all valuable learning points after an incident that can be used to inform changes to your recovery plan.

  • Review capabilities to understand what training or additional external support is required to minimise the impact on business continuity.

  • Run tests on the new plan and revise it further if needed. It’s important to test whether your plans are feasible, and work as expected.

  • Share the updated plans with relevant staff to ensure everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities; provide any additional training identified.


Do you need a disaster recovery plan?

There is no one approach to disaster recovery planning because it reflects the individual needs of a business and the unique factors that influence it. What is common for all business planning though is an increasing reliance on technology and the critical importance of their data.

At Syn-Star, we support our business customers through our IT consultancy services to ensure that businesses are resilient and staff are trained to be aware of threats to your systems.

If you are unsure where to start with disaster recovery planning, contact us today, there’s not a moment to lose. We are here to help protect the hard-earned trust you have from your customers and ensure it isn’t put at risk.

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