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Penetration Testing
for Business

Data breaches are becoming the norm. It is not a question of if you will be hacked, but when.  

Your company creates defences with anti-virus software and firewalls, but how often do you test these? 

A penetration test from Syn-Star will highlight each of the vulnerabilities in your internal and external devices, while giving you the information to rectify them. This is essential for a complete cyber assessment.

penetration testing

Network Pen Testing

Internal penetration test

Internal Attack

External penetration attack

External Attack

The most simple & advanced penetration test

Our modern penetration test makes deciding to invest in testing your security defences a zero-stress process.

Our 4 simple steps to begin your test

Step 1

We send you our Micro PC to plug into your internal network

Stage 2

You easily plug the Micro PC into your router

Stage 3

We run the internal & external vulnerability tests

(usually takes 7 days)

Stage 4

We produce the following reports:

- Executive Summary​
- External Network Report​
- Internet Network Report​
- Remediation Report

Why have a Pen Test?


"Has allowed Insurwave to stay ahead of potential risks posed to our infrastructure and applications"


CISO @ Insurwave


"I receive monthly reviews of my vulnerabilities for a fraction of the cost of competitors"


Mid Market 100-499 emp.


"It has helped me to find errors in misconfigurations such as hardening my assets, vulnerabilities in network such as open ports that should not be open"

Diego P.

Mid Market 500+ emp.


"We only got the test completed for insurance, but have used Syn-Star multiple times to improve our security! Would highly recommend to everyone" 


Google Review

The benefits of penetration testing with Syn-Star:

Rectify and fix the gaps before the hackers can exploit them! Any small weakness within your security could be used as leverage by hackers to gain access into your systems.

Our scheduling is fully flexible.
Let us know the day/week you’d like us to perform your penetration test.

Know how these risks affect your organisation and where your organisation stands compared to its peers.

Our pricing is extremely competitive when compared to traditional penetration testing firms, but provides a lot more value with minimal disruption.

Get up to date progress and preliminary results and expected completion dates, device information, and workable reports (Snapshot and Detailed).

All activities tracked, including manual activities conducted.  You can download activity logs. This helps organisations make adjustments faster!

Stages of Penetration Testing

Stage 1

Scan of your

Scanning for Pentest

Stage 2

Gaining access to
your systems

pentest stage 2

Stage 3


Analyse stage 3 pentet

Stage 4

Analysis of your

Pentest stage 4 - get information

What happens when a penetration test is completed?

The average penetration test takes roughly a week to complete. Once completed, you will receive a detailed report of all weaknesses found.

This provides a great guide for your IT support provider or internal IT team to be able to make changes and improvements.

NOTE: We always recommend a second penetration test or regular testing to ensure you you stay up-to-date and protected.

Cyber attacks and being hacked is the number 1 threat to businesses of all sizes around the globe!

Why do you need a penetration test?

A network penetration test will give you confidence that the products and security controls tested have been configured in accordance with good practice. Knowing the common or publicly-known vulnerabilities in the tested components helps you build the best cyber security shield.

Annual penetration tests are great for GDPR compliance, but hackers operate all year round! Utilise frequent tests and elevated protection with monthly or quarterly automated penetration testing using our vulnerability scanner.

Get a quote now for
Penetration Testing

Call us now!

Scary Cyber Statistics

    • Estimated 2.39 MILLION (81.4%) of businesses affected by cybercrime in the UK in the last 12 months
    • Unsecure passwords increase your risk of cybercrime – (most common is 123456, used 23.2 million times)
    • £1.43 billion of fines issued by GDPR since January 2022
    • 45% of businesses allowed personal devices to be used for work in 2018. This number is likely to have grown due to increased hybrid and remote working.

The use of personal devices can be great for maximising productivity. This can allow for work to be undertaken while commuting, or if home-working is required for any reason.

Enabling employees to undertake their job roles away from the office can be great for morale, flexibility, and improving an individual’s work-life balance. 

However, this may increase the likelihood of data breaches. You must assume that these devices do not have the same level of security as your business machines.

Running pen testing on your servers, devices, and even cloud backup could help to protect that data, ensuring that access is only granted to specific, authorised individuals.

Questions we frequently get asked about our pentest

In short, no. If in doubt, we can schedule your pen test for a time that best suits you. This can give you peace of mind knowing that your security will be improved without affecting your business operations.

Potentially if your network is already slow and your internet connection is not very good, we would usually recommend completing the test out of hours or over a weekend.

  1. Syn-Star can help and complete remedial work that may need to be completed to improve your security.
  2. Work with your existing IT Support provider or internal IT team to help them improve.
  3. Just provide the reports
  4. Do nothing…… but please, only do this if no issues came back.

No business is too small.

Albeit the prices usually get cheaper per device.  So depending on the number of devices will reflect the costs.

Absolutely! We only aim to gain access to test how strong (or weak) your existing security measures are. None of your data will be corrupted or compromised or used in any manner.

[The thing to remember is: If you can be ethically hacked, you can be unethically hacked]

We have been helping companies like you with IT and telecoms since 2002. This means that we have built up a lot of experience regarding internet safety and the dangers out there. 

We have invested in the best, most secure platforms in our industry.  We would be happy to discuss but also provide references and testimonials.

Not at all! These tests are undertaken fully remotely, with reports emailed to the relevant parties.

Any communication will be done online or via telephone.

We will courier you the device that will sit on your network to complete the internal penetration test.  You simply then post back the machines.

Our Network Penetration test is done on a per project basis.  So no ongoing commitment.

We do however recommend monthly pen testing, this we offer discounts if run monthly.

Great question!

We have a client happiness team that will hopefully be able to help and exceed your expectations.

We’ve been an IT provider for more than 20 years. 

We always aim at working with our clients for the long-term.

We charge a fixed amount and then a per device / IP Address basis.

On average £250 – £2,000 depending on number of devices and locations.

Please contact us for a personalised quote and to find out more.

Not necessarily – It all depends on the number of locations and devices.

Our Partnerships

Claim your FREE external
penetration test

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Penetration Testing

GDPR requirements for data protection

You MUST follow the 7 Data Protection Principles of GDPR: 

Lawfulness, Fairness & Transparency – Process all personal data lawfully, for the manner it was intended

Purpose Limitation – Only collect the required data for that specific purpose

Data Minimisation – Only keep relevant data that is essential Purpose Limitation

Accuracy – Keep all data accurate, update if required

Storage Limitation – Identifiable data should only be kept for as long as necessary for the aforementioned purpose

Integrity & Confidentiality – Personal data should be secured and protected through additional measures such as pen testing

Accountability – Businesses and individuals will be hel accountable for the use and security of data

Real-time notifications on vulnerabilities

Real-time updates can be crucial for staying on top of weaknesses.

Needing to wait hours, or even days, for updates means that your systems stay vulnerable for longer.

By having access to real-time updates as and when vulnerabilities are found, you can implement more secure measures as quickly as possible. 

Reduce the time required for security reports

Many companies have individuals who produce reports for managers and those with the authority to affect system security. While these individuals may do great work, they will need time to collate reports. Human error is also a possibility.

Pen testing with Syn-Star can drastically cut down the time it takes for reports to be sent to your business, and will be thoroughly checked against our systems to minimise errors.

Subsequent reports will also be sent as soon as additional tests have been completed to check how effective your changes are.

Schedule tests at a convenient time to not disrupt workflow

Pen testing should make your life easier, not harder. Any updates or changes to your system may prevent you from doing your job and accessing data when you need it.

This is why Syn-Star would work alongside you to figure out the best times in your day to run our tests to cause as little disruption as possible.

This way, sales and productivity don’t need to come to a grinding halt in the name of system security.
What's Your Cyber Security Defence Level?
Take our FREE test to find out!

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Team Productivity
& Monitoring

Team Productivity:
You and your team are able to see where they are using their time and how productive they are actually being.  Also they are able to clock in and out, so really good for flexi-working.

Team Monitoring:
If you would like to know what your team is doing and how productive they are being, we are able to monitor them and create screenshots of what they are working on.  This can be run in normal or stealth mode.

Book a FREE fact finding session to discuss the different options.

What we do to help out...

We proactively seek opportunities to support good causes for our community.

From sponsoring local community football teams, to engaging with charity fundraiser days, we believe it’s important to continually strive to do good for the better of others.

We have members who volunteer with youth organisations, are engaged with the Round Table, run marathons and volunteer at events where we may be needed. Every charity receives a discounted IT and Telecoms service too.


Protecting your digital data is crucial for every business and this can start with the industry-leading security we offer. The Syn-Star specialists can help with identifying any vulnerabilities within your IT systems and act accordingly to ensure cyber-attacks and data breaches are mitigated. 

Strategy &
Future Planning

Your business will never fall behind with its technology when you work with Syn-Star.

We understand IT and Telecoms for your business is an investment, but it’s important to use the best resources available to enable the growth of your business. Our IT Consultancy and Virtual IT Director Services are available to support you with how you use your business technology for years to come.


Syn-Star can conduct quick and easy phishing exercises to identify people within your team who need to improve on their knowledge around fraudulent emails and how they can be alerted to these threats. 

Team Productivity & Monitoring

At Syn-Star, our experts can proactively work to understand exactly what software you need to support with the business operations. Whether you need a listening ear on what software to choose, or would like to seek some specialist knowledge, we’re here to help where we can.

& Reliable

At Syn-Star, we keep Telecoms simple. There’s so much available to help UK companies with their communications. VoIP systems, fixed landline, cloud phone systems, SIP trunking and more. Contact us for further details.

Providing Equipment
You Need

Desk phones, cordless phones or conference phones, Syn-Star can provide you with whatever you need. 

From conference calling facilities to the headsets which work best for your team, we’re able to provide all the equipment you need and complete any telecoms job from start to finish.

VoIP Phone

There is no need to be in the office to make and receive phone calls from your company’s number. Our market-leading Telecoms platform gives you the flexibility of desk phones, soft phones and mobile apps as standard.

Whether your team works remotely, or perhaps staff are on a business trip anywhere in the world, calls can still be made, and people are reachable via phone wherever they go.


With a range of products, our team can support you by installing exactly what you need for internet connectivity. We work with the very best products to provide speedy bandwidths which play a part in the increased productivity of your team.